Corona virus and Covid-19
The last few years have been extremely challenging and characterized by great concern and uncertainty about the future. Even if the Covid-19 pandemic is over for now, in Ukraine a horrific war is underway with millions of civilian casualties and refugees.
– These are clear signs that we should not take things for granted in the same way as before. We need to review our preparedness for unexpected events and crises, says Ingemar Forsberg, CEO at Metalcolour.
In times of crises, we are facing challenges that most of us have not experienced before. Among other things, public restrictions and closed borders have become reality for everyone and for some of us the pandemic has also meant the loss of a loved family member or friend.
We owe our employees a special thanks, without any hesitation they have adapted and are dealing with the situation in a most helpful way. Things will probably not be quite the same in a very long time, but we hope that we will obtain a safe ”new and even better normal” for all our personnel as soon as possible.
– For us, the most important thing is to take care of and maintain the safety for our employees, customers, and partners. It is of the utmost importance for us that we rapidly find alternate ways to prevent important work from stalling and that we find new methods where obstacles arise. At the same time, we must not lose respect for Covid-19 and take responsibility for contributing to reduced infection risk, says Ingemar Forsberg, CEO at Metalcolour.
Innovation has always been one of Metalcolours core values and now we need to be innovative in new ways. Without taking any risks we will put all our efforts in keeping up the communication with the market, continuing our work to develop even better products and solutions and maintaining production capacity.
– Metalcolour has an impressive history of creating benefits to our different markets by providing innovative solutions and products for our customers and we are determined to continue that mission, says Henrik Kaa Andersen, Chairman of the Board at Metalcolour
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